Introduction to The Giver

Image result for the giver book


This Dystopian novel is set in the future. In this future, the world seems perfect. Everyone plays their role and it works together quite well. The setting described is similar to Fort Wayne in ways, such as the hospitals and homes. Although, there are also some very large differences. The community in The Giver is much more advanced and much more strict.

Jonas is an 11 year old boy who  is nearing  his Ceremony of Twelve. When someone reaches the age of 12, they are sent to receive special training from The Giver who holds the true pain of life. He has many feelings about this. He himself has no idea what Assignment he shall receive in December. All these feelings were relaxed when his parents talked to him during sharing time, but that didn’t change his feeling that he was different from everyone else.

Why We Have Homework and The Truths About It

Homework. Work that is sent home for a student to accomplish at home. The question many young scholars and adults ask: Why? Why would students do work at home? If one spends plenty of time in an institute, why would they need to take things home to study and/or complete?

Braeden Strahm declared, “homework is dumb.” Such a straight forward and short message for one of the most mentally gifted undergraduates at Blackhawk Middle School. Trevor baffled a similar ,”It is dumb. We go to school all day, come home, and do more school.” A recent tally done by Stanford shows a majority of students think homework is atrocious and there is no desire for assignments that have to be completely filled and concluded at one’s own home. The test also displayed that students feel anxious and apprehensive to receive good grades.

Teachers were also reached and questioned how they felt about homework. “I have mixed feelings about it,” says language arts teacher Mr. Hoering. His tone of voice and body language clearly revealed he is more on the “it is not necessary” side. Unlike the students, Algebra 1 teacher Mrs. Knarr declared ,”homework is unavoidable and quintessential for students growth in knowledge,” followed by an evil laugh and smirk. One teacher in Texas made it on many news stations when she told her students to set aside the books after class. She spoke out against worksheets at home and claimed her students should spend more time with their families. The internet along with many others gave her an A+.

To a prevalence of the public, homework is superfluous. It is extrinsic and unrequired to more than half. There are, however, both pros and cons. Another study done by East Carolina University professor Dr. Nick Rupp shows that homework does increase test scores. Good grades to help reward scholarships and grants for college. The cons are time and stress. Many students undergo stress to finish work, but don’t always find time because of after school activities or just being busy on a standard basis.

Whatever you believe, it is always valuable to tell a teacher when they are approached and told what the students’ or even the parents’ opinions are. Whether you enjoy homework or not, it is still important to maintain good grades. Continue working hard in and out of school, and we’ll continue working hard to keep you up to date on the latest!

Got Any Homework? (rough draft)

Homework. Work that is sent home for a student to accomplish at home. The question many young scholars and adults ask: Why? Why would students do work at home? If one spends plenty of time in a class, why would they need to take things home to study and/or complete.
Braeden Strahm stated, “homework is dumb.” Such a straight forward and short message for one of the most mentally gifted undergraduates at Blackhawk Middle School. Trevor baffled a similar ,”It is dumb. We go to school all day, come home, and do more school.” A recent tally shows 2/3 students think homework is dreadful and there should be no assignments that have to be completely filled and concluded at one’s own home.
Teachers were also reached and questioned how they felt about homework. “I have mixed feelings about it,” says language arts teacher Mr. Hoering. His tone of voice and body language clearly revealed he is more on the “it is not necessary” side. Unlike the students, Algebra 1 teacher Mrs. Knarr declared ,”homework is unavoidable and quintessential for students growth in knowledge,” followed by an evil laugh and smirk.
To a majority of the public, homework is superfluous. It is extrinsic and unrequired to most. There are, however, both pros and cons. Another study done by an advanced placement student shows that homework does increase test scores. Good grades to help reward scholarships and grants for college. The cons are time and stress. Many students undergo stress to finish work, but don’t always find time because of after school activities or just being busy on a standard basis.
Whatever you believe, it is always valuable to a teacher when they are approached and told what the students’ or even the parents’ opinions are. Let the pundit know and we’ll let you know what major events or outbreaks occur next.






YMCA Crisis

August 30, 2017 8:00 pm

It was a normal day at the Jackson Lehman YMCA. With rowdy basketball players doing their normal full court games. Volleyball players playing on the other side of the divider. Plenty of millennials living up to their New Year’s resolution to visit the gym more often. And, like always, many teenagers running around doing whatever they feel like at the moment.

Among those teens were 3 students at Blackhawk middle school. They were all enjoying themselves, first playing basketball. Then they decided to run. Finally, settled in the room with the ping pong table. They were there for about an hour when an alarm went off.

They were distraught. It utterly confused all three of them. They looked out to see if they could tell if it was a drill or something actually happened. “We saw many YMCA employees running,” says one of the teens. “It was definitely a scary moment.”

Being the curious teens they are, they followed one female employee who seemed to be in awe and stricken. The teens found out why as they followed her to the hall that leads to the pool.

“Everyone was gone from the pool area, but we didn’t understand why,” observed the youngest. They were soon to notice a lady in her 50’s who was lying outside of the pool, receiving CPR by one of the lifeguards.

The lady was Li-Chuan. She was doing laps when she suddenly stopped at was slowly drowned. Many medical and police officers reported to the scene. She was taken to the nearest hospital where she later died the following morning. Her cause of death is still undetermined.